What Is The Eternal Life of Scripture?

May 4, 2023
Eternal Life, Spiritual Intimacy

We are told our belief in God and Jesus Christ ensures us a blessed life in eternity. This is a wonderful assurance to anticipate! Yes, everyone eventually leaves this natural life and enters the eternal realm. 

However, we note in other writings how the “heavens of Scripture” do not actually speak of eternity, but of elevations and authoritative positions on the earth. (see four blogs on Heaven) You may be surprised to learn the eternal life our Bibles speak of is not what you may think. So, what is the eternal life of Scripture?

Hidden Insight

While in this earth, our finite minds are not able to grasp the full reality of eternity: “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.” (a) The full realities of the after-life are beyond our ability to really comprehend. 

The only definition that actually resembles eternal or eternity in Scripture describes God. He is “the only immortal invisible One” (b) that “inhabits eternity.” (c) God is not like us because He has no beginning nor does He experience any end. For our finite minds, God is described as “the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last.” (d) Scriptures referencing the Eternal One do not really define what our life will be like in eternity. 

Our heavenly Father says “heaven (elevated authority) is My throne and the earth (area ruled) is My footstool.” (e) During our growing development God gives us instructions for improving our quality of life in this temporal world: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.” (f) Scripture is given to help us live better lives during this life.

Our Bible allows us to read about God and observe examples of interaction with Him. However, our Bible translations tend to hide some of the insight Scripture provides. The beliefs, concepts and perceptions of translators skewed some of their choice of words. Jesus even chided the religious scholars and teachers; “Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?” (g) 

One example of hidden insight is found in the English word “life.” There are three very different Greek words that are translated in our Bibles simply as “life.” The Greek specifies different aspects of life – bios (physical life), psuche (soul life), and zoe (spirit life). Our Bibles hide valid meaning and appropriate application. 

Another example is the English word “eternal.” The Greek aionios means constant, as ongoing. This word appears in Scripture 67 times. The KJV translates it as eternal 42 times and everlasting 25 times. Rather than ‘without beginning or end,’ aionios speaks of ongoing ages, cycles, and seasons. All created time factors!  

Scripture is given to help us live better lives during this life.

Quality of Spirit Life

As God’s kids, we all have an element of God’s Spirit – of eternity in us. So, when our time in this natural world ends, our conscious soul goes with our spirit into the eternal realm. Despite our perceptions, Scripture does not give us details about eternity. While we can surmise what it is like, we are a lot like a child in its mother’s womb. We can perceive there is something out there but are not able to clearly understand.  

What does Scripture actually mean when our Bibles speak of eternal and everlasting life? Clues of this are provided in the adjectives Scripture connects to zoe (spirit life): light of zoe, word of zoe, bread of zoe, river of zoe, water of zoe, ways of zoe, newness of zoe, more abundant zoe, and crown of zoe. These adjectives describe aspects of spirit life available to us today. Spirit life even abolishes the fear of physical death. (h)

Our conscious interaction with God results in an improved quality of spirit during this life! Remember, Scripture is God’s instruction for improving our quality of life in this world. Additionally, neither the Hebrew nor the Greek languages have words that actually mean what our English eternal and eternity means. 

When we read in our Bible “eternal life,” we should think of “quality of (zoe) spirit life.” This is produced by our fellowship with God. When a rich young ruler asked “What can I do to obtain (have) this enduring spiritual life?” Jesus answered, “Believe, keep the Commandments, love God and love your neighbor.” (i) 

The Light and Love of the Spirit of God is a force that enlightens and improves our thoughts. “Whoever drinks…shall become in him a well of water springing up to spiritual life.” (j) Spiritual life transforms our perceptions so we do not remain under the control of this temporal world’s enslaving mindsets and ways.

Scripture identifies the qualities of spiritual life as Fruits of the Spirit: “Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (k) We are also told “The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.” (l)

Enduring qualities of spirit life produce heavenly perceptions, godly attitudes, life improving actions, and illustrate our levels of maturity! 

As God’s kids, we all have an element of God’s Spirit – of eternity in us.

Times of Transition

History records hundreds of thousands of near-death experiences when people consciously leave this natural life’s restrictions. In the experience they see houses, trees, and mountains creating the impression that natural things exist in eternity. Many accounts tell of a point that once crossed, returning to earth was not possible. These experiences are just previews God provides to verify physical death is not our end. 

These views into eternity appear to illustrate a transitional process we experience when we physically die, when some natural ideas are still present. Scripture gives clear examples of transition as times when we accept the new and let go of the previous.

  • Delivered from slavery, the new perceptions were only received as they let go of enslaving ideas. (m)
  • After Jesus’ resurrection, understandings of him changed from a man of God to the Spirit of God. (n)
  • The newness of life God’s presence provides, transforms our conscious thoughts and beliefs. (o) 

Most of these near-death events note a brighter light and a more intense love than known on earth. These are glimpses into the quality of zoe spirit life that exceed this natural life. They introduce us to ‘some’ of the freedoms of (zoe) life we will know in eternity. Our life just ‘begins’ in this temporal world. 

Improved qualities of spirit life come from experientially ‘knowing’ God. This is what our first parents turned away from in the Garden of Eden. (p) Jesus said, “This ‘is’ eternal life (aionios zoe)…to know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.” (q) John’s Epistle adds, “God has given us eternal life (aionios zoe)…you have eternal life (aionios zoe).” (r) 

Eternal life in our Bibles actually speaks of ‘an enduring quality of spirit life’ that we are invited to partake of during this life. We are invited to experience God’s Kingdom reign “in our midst,” (s) for He actually “is over all and through all and in all.” (t) The scriptural spirit life (zoe) is not just reserved for an after-life. 

While no one is fully mature or perfect, as we walk in close union with our eternal Father we can see the quality of our spiritual life improve and we become better expressions of God’s nature. 

The quality of our life in this world develops daily, line upon line, and precept upon precept. (u) God offers to lead and guide us through this life’s difficulties because He is patient, compassionate and long-suffering. (v) 

As God’s influence becomes more complete in us today, it can be even more so tomorrow. We can interact with God right now and experience the countless benefits of an enduring quality of spiritual life today. Living an eternal quality of life improves our full experience – spirit, soul, and body. Why wait?

Our spiritual life begins in this temporal world.

a) 1 Corinthians 2:9; b) 1 Timothy 1:17; c) Isaiah 57:15); d) Revelation 22:13; e) Isaiah 66:1; Genesis 1:1, 14-18; f) 2 Timothy 3:16; Luke 8:10-15; g) Mark 12:24; h) Hebrews 2:15; 2 Timothy 1:8-10; i) Galatians 5:22-25; j) Matthew 19:16; Mark 10:17-19; Luke 10:25-27; 18:18-20; k) John 4:10-14; l) James 3:17; m) Exodus 13:17; n) Acts 2:36; 20:26-29; Luke 24:15, 29-31; o) Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; p) Genesis 2:17; 3:8; q) John 17:3; 1 John 5:20; r) 1 John 5:11, 13; s) Luke 17:20; t) Ephesians 4:6; u) Isaiah 28:10;  v) James 3:17; Galatians 5:22

Keith Carroll, “The Relationship Guy”
Relational Gospel Founder
Created To Relate author

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