When is the Earth Full of God’s Glory?

October 3, 2024
Empowering Influence, Spiritual Intimacy

We all long for God-in-Christ to become more obvious in this world. While we sense His interaction in our lives, we desire more. Scripture says there will be a time when “The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.” (a) [see endnotes for scripture] Righteousness improves all life in this world.

The Hebrew word that is translated ‘glory’ refers to a visible display the natural eye can see. A ‘knowledge of’ does not mean everyone is responding to God’s guidance. Many are just observing the side effects of His reign or are partaking of its spillover benefits. So, when is the earth full of God’s glory? 

More than Spiritual

While no one has seen the Invisible God with the natural eye, His expressions have historically been seen and heard by many; as angelic messengers, (b) an audible voice, (c) a felt presence, (d) and in dreams and visions. (e) Many have seen visible evidence of the reality of God in their life and in the lives of others.

The Eternal One’s most unique expression was revealed when His spoken word (logos) entered a human womb and was born a man. (f) The example and words of Jesus proclaimed God’s desire for each of us.

Since the days of Jesus, responsive sons (g) have been visible illustrations that Scripture calls, “the Body of Christ.” (h) Aspects of God’s glory are seen and demonstrated by people of faith as they interact and illustrate elements of God’s character, attitude and personality (CAP).  

Our imperfect lives and gatherings that seek to do the right thing are visual witnesses the natural eye can observe. While God’s Kingdom (governing influence) in the earth has never been an example of perfection, “The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter.” (i) We can improve!

While the reality of God’s kingdom in our day is rarely proclaimed, Paul declared its reality began 2000 years ago: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify (cleanse, make uncommon) you entirely (within and without); may your spirit (zoe-life) and soul (consciousness) and body (bios-natural life) be preserved complete (intact), without blame at the coming (in the presence) of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (j) All who respond to the influencing presence of God actually partake of His Kingdom, both spiritually and naturally.

Ever since the days of Jesus, the Kingdom of God has been experienced and is a functioning reality today. The presence of God-in-Christ that is among us infuses spiritual aspects that affect our natural lives. People and nations that are free to live, worship and prosper become visible testaments that bring glory to God. (k) 

The presence of God-in-Christ that is among us infuses spiritual aspects that affect our natural lives.

Freedom to Live, Worship and Prosper

While many tend to divide God’s purpose in our life as either spiritual or natural, the truth is it begins as a spiritual awakening and is to be worked out in our natural life. (l) God’s reign in our life is not just spiritual; it is to be visibly seen and evident in our everyday life, as individuals and as gathered people. 

Jesus encouraged us to: “Let your light shine, (where?) before man, (how?) in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father.” (m) God is glorified in our obedient response to His guidance. 

He declares to people of faith: “Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee…and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light…to the brightness of your (active) rising.” (n) 

During man’s beginnings, an erroneous idea was accepted that indicated, if we ignore God “you will be like God.” (o) The idea that I can be “as” God began forming in man’s mind and created this world’s two-class system of overlords. The forces of slander and fear help to establish and maintain their ruling positions.   

The Old and New Testaments give details of the two times God delivered people out of the enslaving two-class system, to live as a free people of faith. Both times they eventually submitted to the rule of those who wanted to be in control. In the Reformation of the 1500’s, God intervened a third time to deliver from the two-class world order. This renewed call has released many nations from overloading kingships. 

The freedom to “live, worship, and prosper, with liberty and justice for all” is a God given vision for people of faith. Sense the early 1800’s; freedom has allowed much visible evidence of God’s enabling presence as testaments of His Kingdom. New products and services have been created to improve living conditions. Transportation transformed from horses to trains, to cars and planes, and into outer space. Communication has gone from writing to telegraph, to wire phones, mobile cell phones, and from just voice to visual sight. 

For many years surveys have been taken across America, seeking to measure where people are in their faith walk. Every year the numbers remain largely the same. Between 30 and 35 percent report they regularly attend religious services while between 80 and 85 percent call themselves Christian. By identifying as a Christian, people acknowledge they believe in God and that the life and words of Jesus is God’s example.  

God is glorified in our obedient response to His guidance.

Overcome Division

In the mid-1800s, men who prefer to be in control began to contrast this God inspired freedom. The effort became known as Socialism. Where the idea was accepted, it soon became the forced rule of Communism. These are efforts to re-establish the credibility of the crumbling two-class system. 

The teachings of Lenin and Marx pitted workers against employers, under the guise of “equality” for all. Where this system functions, authorities squish free enterprise and stifle free commerce to keep people from prospering. Those in charge live above the underclass and act as dictators. 

When people assume they are in charge, they generally wreak havoc in the lives of others. These forces of control are not a coordinated conspiracy; people just ascribe to the same ideology; as if I am in charge. 

Until the mid-1800s, people were generally recognized by their different cultures and religions. Power seekers began to focus on ‘race’, as though one is superior. Hitler said Germans were a superior race and Mussolini claimed it of Italians. Race continues to be used as a divisive social and political tool.

Now 500 years after the Reformation began, God’s historical call into freedom is being assaulted in many ways. This divisive ideology inspires much of today’s governmental politics, high-tech monopolies, and news platforms. We are bombarded with racial and economic differences to create or maintain discord. Hate and fear always divides and weakens us as families and as nations.

When we try to appease intimidation with silence, we give consent and permission to the destructive activity. A cancel culture can thrive if we lend support to its ways by allowing it to maintain enslaving rule over us. When we give up or surrender our liberties, we allow levels of enslavement to be established. We need to stop waiting for a supernatural intervention and be involved, let our imperfect revealing light shine! 

As we consciously accept God’s reign, we actively “work out what God is working into us.” (p) When our faith is obvious, it visibly spills into our communities, states and countries. As the “many membered Body of Christ” (q) is responsive to God’s guidance, darkness is overcome. (r) God is visibly glorified in the earth. 

Let’s stand against the controlling efforts of class division and maintain the freedom God provides. While some fail to recognize how fully the Kingdom of God functions in our life as a spiritual and natural reality, it does not negate its certainty. God’s reining influence includes our full life experience, to affect nations all over the world. We need to realize the glory of the Lord is shining and becoming more visible in the earth.

As we consciously accept God’s reign, we actively “work out what God is working into us.”

a) Habakkuk 2:14; b) Hebrews 1:13-14; Psalm 91:11;c) Exodus 3:2-4; Deuteronomy 4:11-12; Acts 9:3-7; d) 1 Kings 6:13; Luke 24:13-15; e) Acts 2:14-17; Daniel 2:28; 7:1; Job 7:14; f) John 1:18; 14:9; g) Genesis 1:26; John 14:3; 1 John 4:12; h) Ephesians 4:12-16; Romans 12:1-5; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; i) Proverbs 4:18; j) 1 Thessalonians 5:23; k) 2 Corinthians 3:2-4; l) Romans 12:1-5; m) Matthew 5:16; n) Isaiah 60:1-3; o) Genesis 3:4; p) Philippians 2:12-13; q) Romans 12:1-5; r) John 1:4-5; Ephesians 5:8-10

Keith Carroll, “The Relationship Guy”
Relational Gospel Founder
Created To Relate author

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