How Are We Both Natural and Spiritual Beings?

June 15, 2023
Living Abundantly, Spiritual Intimacy

Scripture is clear: our life in this world is a process of developing into better images and likenesses (Hebrew – reflective resemblances) of God’s heart. (a) [see end notes for all Scriptures] As offspring of God, we are more spiritual than natural beings, created expressions of the Eternal One. 

The New Testament encourages us to follow Jesus as our example of God’s character, attitude, and personality. (b) So, as created offspring of God, how are we both natural and spiritual beings?

Our Beginnings

Our entry into this life begins in the water world of a mother’s womb. We are warmed, fed, and begin our personal growth and development. In our first environment we absorb what we are fed, hear sounds from outside our world, and our mother’s mood swings can even affect our beginnings.

While our beginnings are in a contained watery environment, we are influenced by activity beyond our limitations. During this start, our mother actually sends antibodies to protect us against infectious diseases. In the womb, loud noises often wake or startle us. Our taste for music begins to form as we hear sounds from outside the womb. God also has a hand in our development during this stage. (c) 

Our first impression of reality is limited. We receive clues about life beyond our environment but they are vague and we are not able to relate. As we leave our beginnings in the womb, we are birthed into an atmosphere that is very different, much broader and way beyond our wildest imaginations. 

Having lost our previous food supply and comfort zone, survival mode kicks in. Our cries are for more than natural food and warmth, we also need the spiritual values of being loved, wanted, and valued. While we are not consciously aware of these spiritual needs, our desire is not just natural.  

Yes, our first awareness seems to be toward natural life; however, no one is totally void of spiritual awareness and the need to be loved and valued. The spirit of life in every person comes from God and eventually returns to Him. (d) This enables each of us to sense and experience many spiritual realities.

Our beginnings are influenced by activity beyond our limitations.

Spiritual Senses

It is during our beginnings in the womb that our natural and spiritual senses begin to develop. We are created with both natural and spiritual senses. (e) Science can only examine natural things, yet they realize there is more to our senses than the natural five, so they acknowledge a sixth sense. They are really observing clear evidence of the spiritual side of our natural senses.

Scripture is full of examples of spiritual eyes and ears opening to observe unnatural sights and hear spiritual perceptions. Yes, God can appear to natural eyes and be heard by natural ears. More often than not, it is our spiritual senses that ‘hear’ what God is saying, ‘see’ what God is doing, ‘taste’ His sweetness, ‘feel’ His touch, and even ‘smell’ the aromas of spiritual realities. (f)

Our spiritual senses enable us, even sinners, to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” (g) As we respond to God’s love and insightful guidance, “we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.” (h) While we only dimly see the glory (manifestation) of God as in a mirror, it is becoming clearer.

Everyone can sense the reality of God and His presence. Even deniers will call on God for help when in danger and many times He answers and intervenes. God is constantly intervening on our behalf because His love for each of us never ends. (i) Yes, many ignore His existence and some are simply dull of hearing. Never-the-less, God shares enlightening insight to draw us into saving experiences.

While many experiences can appear as natural events, many are a result of the intervention of our Eternal Father’s Spirit. God also makes His presence known in what is called ‘born again’ events (awakening awareness) and ‘Holy Spirit baptisms’ (immersions in God’s relational presence).

Everyone can sense the reality of God and His presence.

Spiritual Consciousness

Eventually we leave the limitations of the womb to begin our second stage of life in a much larger world of limitations. In this life, we are designed to be consciously aware of natural life before spiritual realities. (j) Consequently, we all have a lean toward gaining wisdom from the “Tree of the knowledge of good ‘and’ evil,” which is the “productive and destructive” processes of this created natural world. (k) Our natural awareness however, should not override our spiritual awareness and livelihood. (l) 

Jesus described God’s kingdom reign in this temporal world as our conscious response to His guidance. (m) As we awaken and activate our spiritual sensitivity, we become more aware of God’s unlimited love for us, and are more conscious of spiritual qualities. Since God is Love and Light (n) our spiritual clarity and our loving experience is what will continue with us into eternity.

When it comes to spiritual life, God does not leave us clueless. Scripture provides a primary list of the fruitful effects of spiritual life for us today: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” (o) 

Our first impressions of reality are highly limited to the womb. Then it is enlarged by our entrance into this enlarged natural world. During this life we receive clues about the surety of an expanded environment beyond this natural universe. 

As we move into a conscious awareness of spiritual life, we begin to be consciously aware of an existence that exceeds many natural perceptions. We even taste some of the values of eternity. (p)

In this life we are not able to fully perceive or understand. “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.” (q) 

May we all continue to strive “to know God” and relate to Him more clearly. We can become better expressions of His Love and Light in this world, during our lifetime.

When it comes to spiritual life, God does not leave us clueless.

a) Genesis 1:26; 2:7; b) John 10:27; c) Psalms 139:13; Isaiah 44:2, 24; Job 31:15; Jerimiah 1:5; d) Ecclesiastes 12:7;       e) Hebrews 5:11-14; f) Acts 2:1-4, 16-18; 2 Kings 6:13-17; Job 42:1-6; Isaiah 6:1-6; Daniel 6:16-23; Matthew 3:16-17; Acts 7:54-56; Revelation 1:9-12; g) Psalm 34:8; h) 2 Corinthians 3:18;  i) Lamentations 3:22-23; Romans 5:8; 8:38-39;        j) 1 Corinthians 15:46; k) Genesis 2:17; 2 Corinthians 11:3; l) Luke 9:60; Matthew 8:22; m) Mark 1:15; Luke 17:20-21; Romans 14:17; n) 1 John 4:8; 1:5; o) Galatians 5:22-25; (p) John 17:3; Luke 10:25-28; q) 1 Corinthians 2:9

Keith Carroll, “The Relationship Guy”
Relational Gospel Founder
Created To Relate author

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