How Do We Actually Hear God’s Voice?

September 7, 2023
God-in-Christ, Spiritual Intimacy

The Bible shares with us a lot of what the Eternal One spoke and did in ancient times. It is easy to observe and learn from how individuals and collective people responded to His guidance. We can even begin to understand the will of God for our lives today when we read the Bible and supportive books. Reading and hearing what God ‘has said’ in the past is very valuable. 

However, it is not the same as hearing His voice for ourselves, concerning our specific situations. So, how do we actually hear God’s voice and receive His insightful thoughts and directions?

God’s Guiding Word

While Scripture records how the “word of the Lord came” to people, (a) [See endnotes for Scriptures] it also instructs us to “hear the word of the Lord” for ourselves. (b) What God said in the past may not be what He wants to say to us about today’s situation; it could be different than what He said yesterday. (c) God wants to lead and guide each of us through our own ups and downs in life.

Just as “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever,” (d) so the Eternal One does not change. (e) While our Creator is changeless, His word to us as developing children can and does change, depending on our response. (f) This is true for believers and non-believers alike. (g) 

Many times God spoke to individuals and groups and then depending on responses, His instructive word changed. God instructed Abraham to slay his son as a sacrifice and while being obedient, God said don’t do what I previously said. (h) Also, when God told Israel to go into the Promised Land and take it, their unbelief brought a changed word of direction. (i)

Another consideration: the guidance our parents and spiritual leaders give is based on their experience and/or on what they were taught. While their advice is not to be ignored, some may not be suitable or appropriate for the day and situations we are facing today. While yesterday’s word is good, God always has more insight to share. He wants to guide us into more maturing responses. 

I heard a word recently that I sensed was appropriate for all of us. “We need to re-sensitize and focus on what God ‘is’ doing rather than focusing on what we think He should be doing.” Are we settling for past experiences, deliverances, revivals, and revelations or focusing on a future expectation? God always wants to speak to us about our day and circumstance. Are we listening?

God wants to lead and guide each of us through our own ups and downs in life.

The Voice of God

There is another reason why we should hear for ourselves. God’s voice can convey emotion to lend clarifying intent. Scripture rarely notes what emotional emphasis was in God’s voice. Were His words spoken as a matter-of-fact, as stern commands, or as inspiring incentives?

Consider the Ten Commandments. Moses and all Israel heard God speak ten instructions for living righteously in this world. (j) The Hebrew word dabar that is translated “commands” and “commandments” simply means “word.” Scripture uses dabar nearly 2500 times. The KJV translated it into 85 different English words, giving the translators preferred emphasis in the text.  

Everyone has heard the Ten Words repeated as stern Ten Commandments, as if God said “do this or else!” Based on the light and love nature of our Eternal Father (k) we can ask: did God speak these words as stern commands or as inspiring incentives? Since we were not there and the recorded Hebrew account simply says “words,” who really knows? 

Jesus condensed all the instructive words, Laws, and Commandments into a simple instruction: “Love God with all your heart…soul…mind” and “love your neighbor as yourself.” (l) 

How does anyone hear God speak today? Some report hearing the voice of God with the natural ear. However, most say they sense new or inspiring thoughts come within, as a still small voice. 

One way to describe how we actually hear the Eternal One speak is telepathy, which is the transfer of thoughts between minds. Telepathy is the activity of giving and receiving thoughts without spoken words or other signals.The voice of God is not restricted to our natural ear. More often than not, God’s thoughts are transferred into our thoughts as a spiritual experience.

The voice of God is not restricted to our natural ear.

God’s Inspiring Voice

The book Created to Relate explains how our ‘spirit of life’ comes from God, is in every person, and enables us to personally communicate with the Eternal One. God can speak, quicken and amplify thoughts to our conscious mind. Where do we suppose inspiration comes from? 

You may question; “How can I personally hear and recognize God’s voice?”  

  • It helps to understand that God actually wants to interact with each of us!
  • Be open to receiving, understanding, and then acting on His inspirational guidance.
  • To speed up the process, simply begin to ask, seek, and knock.

God can speak and we can hear Him anytime and anywhere. We may be listening to music or a speaker, seeing a movie, having a time of quiet meditation, resting, reading, and even during conversations. 

Scripture says “You do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives.” (m) We want to examine our motives and then ask. You may begin to realize you have actually heard from God or are hearing from Him right now. 

How do we know a new thought is from God? The best way is to have an active personal relationship with Him. While anyone can sense inspiring thoughts, the more we relate to God as our insightful Father and share His heart-beat, (n) the easier it is to recognize His voice.

God really wants to be the inspirational light in our life every day! Are we hearing Him speak to us and quickening a word of insight or direction? Do we sense His guiding presence regarding our various situations? God really does care about our natural and spiritual livelihood.

Sometimes we simply need to stop and listen for God’s inspiring voice, right where we are. When we are attentive, God’s word to us can become very personal. We tend to take possession of what we hear deep within. Intimacy with the Eternal One improves everything!

Intimacy with the Eternal One improves everything!

a) 1 Kings 16:1; 2 Chronicles 11:2; 1 Samuel 15:10; Jonah 1:1; Haggai 2:20; Joel 1:1; b) Jeremiah 22:29; Ezekiel 34:47; 37:4; Joshua 3:9; c) John 16:13; Psalms 31:3; d) Hebrews 13:8; e) Hebrews 1:10-12; f) 1 Corinthians 12:6;   g) Romans 10:12; h) Genesis 22:1-3, 10-12; i) Numbers 14:1-24; j) Deuteronomy 5:22-26; k) 1 John 4:8, 16;   l) Matthew 22:36-40; m) James 4:2-3; n) John 14:6

Keith Carroll, “The Relationship Guy”
Relational Gospel Founder

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