Can “Ego” Be The Real God Of This World?

January 11, 2024
Guidance, Living Abundantly

Many people today are experiencing God’s rule-reign, yet we still suffer the destructive activity of men trying to be in-charge. The problem began with our first parents, who chose to ignore God’s guidance and assume they could be in control. “like or as God.” (a) [see end notes for all Scriptures] 

The deception in the garden skewed perceptions of the life God created us to live. The side effects of the decision created a death-like strain on their relationships; a fear of God, a focus on wisdom gained from the good and evil of natural life, and an elated self-centeredness. 

We are not designed to act as God! Over inflated egos throughout history have produced many dictators and enslaving overlords. The illusion that we can be as God, keeps the rest of us feeling like we are in control while losing our freedoms. So, can ego be the real god of this world? 

Created To Be

We are all created and birthed into this natural world to live and mature as images and likenesses – reflective resemblances of God. (b) Every person has an eternal value, a God-given self-worth which should never be devalued. As offspring and children of God, despite our personal beginnings, we all have the potential to mature into better expressions of the light and love of our Eternal Father.

“God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’” (c) While God stated and intended for us to rule over living things – the animal creation, He did not say we should rule over each other. God intends for us to be fruitful and multiply as part of His family.

When our first parents accepted the deception “you will be like God,” (d) it instantly elevated their sense of self-worth. As God confronted them regarding the decision, instead of repenting they took ownership of the idea and deflected responsibility for their error by blaming another. (e) 

The ill concept took root and became an ingrained part of human nature, infecting all their offspring with an inflated self-esteem. The concept that we can be as God, clouds our created purpose as expressions of God. We are all wandering offspring and responsive children. The ill concept creates relational problems in marriages, personal friendships, local fellowships, and governments.

Every person has an eternal value, a God-given self-worth which should never be devalued.

Maturing Focus

Foreseeing our problem, God designed natural solutions for our excessive focus on “me, myself, and I.” As young children, we start life with a strong built-in self-esteem as a need to exist. During our beginnings in this world, we have a singular focus: life is about me, what I need and want. 

As toddlers, we begin to recognize relatable values in other people and realize the importance of interacting. During our early teens and twenties, we experience a strong draw toward friendships and we want to fit in with others so we can experience the comradery found in relationship. 

Eventually we fall in love with a particular person and our self-esteem transitions from a “me” perspective into “us.” We become less self-centered as we include the importance of another. 

As children become a large part of life’s experience, our perspective transitions from being all about “us” and shifts to “them.” While we personally remain important and the relationship with our spouse remains a priority, our primary concern turns toward the care and well-being of our children. 

Yes, God has provided a natural corrective course for our inflated self-worth. A lack of this maturing process is generally recognized in adults as childishness. Scripture encourages us to “put away childish things” and perceptions, to grow-up and become more mature. (f)  

There are times when it seems like we don’t have a choice, so we resign to maintain and live with our current perspective and in our current condition. However, everyone can choose to receive more light and love in our circumstances and adjust our attitude toward God, this life, and one another. 

Through the courses of this life, without realizing it, most people are gravitating toward a more mature image and likeness (reflection and resemblance) of our Eternal Father. Ideally, we maintain a balance between the extremes of elevated arrogance and the devaluation that brings on depression. 

God designed natural solutions for our excessive focus on “me, myself, and I.” 

God Invites Us To Respond

Jesus told us God’s reigning “kingdom is not of this world order…or my subordinates would be fighting.” (g) While Scripture says the Eternal One exercises a level of involvement over this world’s kings and nations, (h) He does not seek to control us as individuals. God wants to lead and guide us, looking for our willing response. (i) God does not want us fighting to decide who is in control.

During the days of Moses, God delivered a mixed multitude out of servitude, so they could function under His guidance as free people. (j) He taught the ‘people of faith’ (k) how to live free of enslaving over-lords. God even provided guidelines for their personal, family, tribal, and national life. 

The new nation elected ‘local’ elders for sharing insight and judges for corrective action. For over 400 years the nation functioned without a ruling class or central government. When people chose to be like other nations, God warned them the two-class system would erode their freedoms. (l) 

From then on, the nation was blessed or suffered, depending on the policies and behavior of their king. After just three kings, discord divided the one nation into two, a north and south kingdom. (m) Eventually the ‘people of faith’ ceased to function as a nation of free people and were dispersed. (n) 

Some 500 years later, Jesus announced a New Covenant for ‘people of faith’, proclaiming God’s kingdom influence was readily available: “The time is fulfilled (not delayed for the future), and the kingdom of God is at hand (has come); repent (change your mind) and believe the good news.” (o) 

Everyone can accept God’s guiding oversight and live free of the enslaving ways of the world. (p) “Not like the covenant which I made with their fathers…I will put My laws into their minds, and I will write them on their hearts…and they shall be My people.” (q) Instead of following written laws, God would infuse His insights into our minds (thoughts) and on our hearts (expressions). 

The change of perception Jesus promoted empowered people to live as overcomers all over the world. People were empowered to follow the anointing Christ and walk in the ways of God while living in the two-class system, for the Eternal One was with them in their natural limitations. (r) 

Our Eternal Father continually “invites us” to be receptive and heed His guidance. (s) God-in-Christ does not force obedience; He leads and guides everyone willing to respond to His loving care. (t) In this life we can respond to God or not, even choose when and to what degree we are responsive. 

Maintaining an ego-centric superiority as though “you are in charge” complicates everyone’s life. May we embrace one another’s self-worth and keep ours in balance. This way, we can be free to live, worship, and prosper under God’s leading influence. 

Maintaining an ego-centric superiority as though “you are in charge” complicates everyone’s life.

a) Genesis 3:4-6; b) Genesis 1:26-27; c) Genesis 1:26-28; d) Genesis 3:4; e) Genesis 3: 12-13; f) 1 Corinthians 13:11; g) John 18:36; h) Daniel 2:21, 44; Job 12:23; i) Matthew 11:28-30; j) Exodus 3:6-8; 12:38; 2 Corinthians 3:17; k) Galatians 3:6-9; l) 1 Samuel 8:5-8, 10-20; m) 1 Kings 12:16-24; n) Ezekiel 12:3, 15; 20:22-24; o) Mark 1:15, 17; p) Ephesians 5:14; Isaiah 60:1; q) Hebrews 8:9-10; 10:16; Luke 10:27; Philippians 4:7; r) 1 John 1:1-3; s) John 1:12; 3:16; 5:24; t) Matthew 16:24

Keith Carroll, “The Relationship Guy”
Relational Gospel Founder
Created To Relate author

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